Monday, March 19, 2012

Oskar Blues Can Can Girls Beer Club

The attendees to the 3rd Can Can Girls Beer Club
Oskar Blues Can Can Girls Beer Club, wow, that's a mouth full hahaha, was on Thursday, March 15 at the Tasty Weasel Taproom in Longmont, Colorado.  This was their third meeting and it showed the inexperience of the ladies running the club.  I had a great time nether the less and they will iron out the kinks in due time.
This meeting was a Belgian beer tasting with 4 4-ounce pours of two Oskar Blues very own beer, from one Avery Brewing beer, Reverend, and one from Funkwerks, Saison.  The two Oskar beers were specialty brews,  Belgian Smidy which is a second running of Ten Fidy Imperial Stout.  Second running means the brewers take the grains from a high gravity beer and reuse them to make a lighter, less alcoholic beer. It was a smooth, slight bitter chocolate cherry malt flavor along with a caramel back note.  This second running beer was only 6% alcohol compared to the normal Ten Fidy at 10.5%.
The next Oskar Blues special was an Abbey Dubbel at 7% alcohol, this was very yummy and we were the first to have a taste this brew. It had a spicy, doughy flavor.  The Saison from Funkwerks had a smooth citrus flavor, very light and refreshing.  The Avery Reverend is an over the top Belgian that is rich in flavor and alcohol.
 I recommend going to the next Can Can Beer Club and I'll see you there.

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